


Slingshot analyzes warehouse usage patterns to generate optimization suggestions for managed and unmanaged warehouses. Managed warehouses with consistent schedules for the last 30 days and unmanaged warehouses with 90 days of historical data generate recommendations.

Right-sizing recommendations isn’t just about saving. It’s also about maximizing performance. Slingshot uses query execution times to gauge performance. You decide whether or not to apply the recommendations after analyzing cost versus performance based on your business needs.

Applying some recommendations may increase costs to improve performance. Read on to learn more about applying recommendations.

Easily spot recommendations at the top of the Home page, in Your Warehouses, or see all your recommendations on the centralized Recommendations page.

Let’s dive into what triggers a recommendation, what’s in it and how making adjustments affects queries on your warehouses, then learn what to do with it.

To learn more about how Slingshot generates recommendations, see Understanding Recommendations.

Manage Recommendations

Slingshot allows tenant admins and warehouse owners to manage recommendations. Tenant admins see all the warehouses and recommendations for an organization. They assign unassigned warehouses to a business organization or business unit making them available to Warehouse owners.

Sort columns in ascending or descending order on the Recommendations table by clicking any header. An arrow appears (↑ or ↓). Press again to reset the table and remove the arrow.

Easily export Recommendations to a .csv file with a single click on the blue Export as CSV text to the right of the search bar.

Warehouse owners are the only ones with the ability to tweak or apply recommendations.

Apply recommendation

If the recommendation is edited prior to application, that recommendation will remain available to apply fully until the end of the next month.
  1. Use the Apply recommendation button.
  2. Enter a Business justification.
  3. Select Apply recommendation to submit the changes for approval.

Edit recommendation settings

  1. Select Edit in the Warehouse settings & schedule section.
  2. Review or adjust:
    • Warehouse environment
    • Warehouse template
    • Statement timeout value
    • QAS Scale factor
  3. Press Save.
QAS Scale factor isn’t visible unless you’ve enabled QAS.

Edit the recommended schedule

  1. Select any Time block to view the Schedule Block Details.
  2. Make adjustments to:
    • Day
    • Start time
    • End time
    • Warehouse size
    • Cluster min
    • Cluster max
    • Auto-suspend
    • Scaling policy
  3. Save.

To add another schedule block,

  1. Select Add schedule block on the Recommended schedule tab.

View Recommendations

From My Warehouses

  1. Go to My Warehouses on the left navigation menu.
  2. Select the Managed or Unmanaged tab.
  3. Find a warehouse with the icon.
  4. Use the icon to open the Recommendation.
  5. Review your recommendation.

From Recommendations

Click any list header to re-sort the listings in ascending or descending order.
  1. Select Recommendations on the left navigation menu.
  2. Click a warehouse name.
  3. The recommendation opens in a new browser tab.
  4. Review your recommendation.

Export Data to CSV

To export the recommendation to a CSV file,

  1. From the Recommendations page, press Export as CSV.
  2. The file downloads automatically.
You may have to allow downloads. Your browser will alert you. Select Allow to begin the download.