Value Reports
Wondering what Slingshot’s done for you lately? Monthly value realization reports spotlights value metrics in the following key areas:
- Savings in Slingshot
- Warehouse management
- Cost per query details
- Actual vs. target spend
- Recommendation snapshot
- Unapplied recommendations
Explore a comprehensive report showcasing the tangible benefits of Slingshot usage on your Snowflake ecosystem. Gain insights into the cost-saving measures and performance enhancements that result from optimization activities. This analysis not only spotlights past successes, it also serves a promising indicator of potential future value through continued use. Tenant admins access value reports by selecting Account > Value Report from the top navigation bar; or press the Go to value report button. Also, you’ll receive an email when the report is ready each month.
A. Report period: Select a month to generate cost and performance metrics for a particular month. Export the entire report as a PDF.
B. Savings in Slingshot: Comparison of savings from connected accounts to those from all accounts by month or week.
C. Savings generated using Slingshot by: Monthly or weekly cost comparisons across connected accounts and all accounts.
D. Managed warehouses: The number of warehouses managed in Slingshot vs the total number of warehouses in Snowflake.
E. Managed compute spend: The total percentage of your managed compute spend for the chosen time period.
F. Cost and Queries Run by: Choose month or week views of credits used before and after Slingshot with the number of queries run during the same period.
G. Cost per Queries by: Select month or week views to analyze the average credits spent per individual query throughout the specified period.
H. Actual spend vs. target spend: Compare the average spending during the chosen period on a monthly or weekly basis to your target spending, taking into account your available credits and contract duration.
I. Slingshot recommendations summary: Get a snapshot of the recommendations you’ve applied vs those you haven’t (unapplied), the percentage of recommendations applied vs generated, and potential savings from unapplied recommendations.
J. Unapplied recommendations: View monthly costs vs potential savings by applying recommendations. Use the View recommendations button to do a deeper analysis prior to taking further action.