My Warehouses

My Warehouses

What can I do in Slingshot?

Everyone has permission to search and view warehouses. Your Slingshot role and business org or business unit determine which warehouses appear on My Warehouses page.

The Managed tab displays warehouses with an assigned schedule. The Unmanaged tab shows warehouses brought into Slingshot and need a schedule applied by the Warehouse owner.

Configuration & Setup

Slingshot role: Tenant Admin

Assign warehouses to a business org or unit

Tenant admins assign warehouses to business orgs and units. These assignments determine the parameters and warehouse templates applied to each warehouse.

  1. Select Configuration from the top-navigation menu.
  2. Choose the Assign Snowflake Objects card.
  3. From the list of warehouses, check the box next to the warehouse name you’d like to assign. The Assign button becomes active.
  4. Press Assign.
  5. Select Business Organization or Business Unit from the drop-down menu.
  6. Press the Assign button.
  7. Review and Confirm Assignment. Or go back to choose another line of business.
  8. A success message appears. Assign another warehouse or go to the homepage.

You’ll receive a notification once the migration completes, and it’ll be added to the My Warehouses page.

Once warehouses are assigned and added to My Warehouses, a Reassign button appears; allowing you to assign the warehouse to a different business org or unit.

For more configuration activities, visit Configuration.

Reassign a managed warehouse

Tenant admins reassign Business Organization, Warehouse Environment, or Warehouse Templates for managed warehouses. Managed means the warehouse has a defined schedule.

  1. From My Warehouses, select the All Warehouses tab.
  2. Use the Reassign button for the chosen warehouse.
  3. Update the Business Organization, Warehouse Environment, or Warehouse Template from the corresponding drop-down menu.
  4. Once you’re happy with your selection(s), press Continue.
  5. Review the details, and Confirm.
  6. After a few moments a success message appears.
  7. Review other warehouses or make other reassignments.

Reassign an unmanaged warehouse

Tenant admins reassign Business Organization or Business Unit for unmanaged warehouses. Unmanaged means the warehouse has the option to apply a schedule. Applying a schedule moves the warehouse from unmanaged to managed.

  1. From My Warehouses, select the Unmanaged tab.
  2. Use the Reassign button for the chosen warehouse.
  3. Update the Business Organization or Business Unit from the corresponding drop-down menu.
  4. Once you’re happy with your selection, press Save.
  5. After a few moments a success message appears.
  6. Review other warehouses or make other reassignments.

View warehouses

To view a warehouse (managed or unmanaged)

  1. From My Warehouses, select the Managed or Unmanaged tab.

  2. View the warehouse details by pressing the warehouse name.

  3. The Warehouse details appear.

  4. Review the details. Press the X in the upper right corner to close the panel.

Tenant Admins have the additional option to select All Warehouses. Approvers see managed and unmanaged warehouses.

If you aren’t a warehouse owner, you see a message stating, “You do not have the warehouse owner permission to modify this warehouse.” Warehouse owners make adjustments to their assigned warehouses’ schedules and parameters.

Search the warehouse list

It’s a daunting task scrolling through several pages to find a particular warehouse. Slingshot’s responsive search makes finding a warehouse easier. Search by entering a warehouse name (or a portion of the name), role, size, cluster, max monthly cost, QAS, etc.

  1. Enter search criteria into the Search box.
  2. Review the results.
  3. Clear the search by pressing the X.
  4. With the search parameter cleared, the entire list of warehouses reappears.

View Managed & Unmanaged Warehouses

Slingshot Role: Approver/Reviewer, Org Admin, Tenant Admin, Warehouse Owner

Your Slingshot role and business org or business unit determine which warehouses appear in My Warehouses.

For Approvers/Reviewers: You see Managed and Unmanaged warehouses for your business org.

The Managed tab displays warehouses with an assigned schedule. Unmanaged tab shows warehouses brought into Slingshot and need a schedule applied by the Warehouse owner.

View a warehouse

  1. From My Warehouses, select the Managed or Unmanaged tab.
  2. View the warehouse details by pressing the warehouse name.
  3. The Warehouse details appear.
  4. Review the details. Press the X in the upper right corner to close the panel.

Assign an Unmanaged Warehouse

Unmanaged warehouses are warehouses that are not provisioned by Slingshot. Tenant Admins may find them in the Configuration menu.

From Assign Snowflake Objects, Tenant Admins can:

  • Assign an unmanaged warehouse to a business org
  • If they want to re-assign to another business org, go to the Unmanaged tab in My Warehouses (re-assignment is only available when there is no in-flight management request)

View Unmanaged Warehouses

View your unmanaged warehouses by selecting the Unmanaged tab on the My Warehouses page.

Manage an Unmanaged Warehouse

Similar to other warehouse requests, Warehouse Owners submit management requests. Warehouses listed here are not currently managed in Slingshot. Adding them to your managed warehouse list is as easy as completing a form.

  1. From the Unmanaged tab, select the Manage button for the warehouse you would like to manage and monitore via Slingshot.
  2. Select a Warehouse Environment from the drop-down menu.
  3. Then choose a Warehouse Template.
  4. Adjust the Statement Timeout.
  5. Select Continue.
  6. Set a schedule or create a new schedule by making the following selections (you can also use the default schedule):
    • End Time
    • Warehouse Size
    • Cluster Minimum
    • Cluster Maximum
    • Scaling Policy
    • Auto Suspend
    • Toggle Warehouse on or off
  7. Select Continue.
  8. Review the information and Submit the request for approval.
  9. Until the warehouse is approved, Management Pending replaces the Manage button for the warehouse you requested to manage.

Once approved, the warehouse appears in the Managed tab on the My Warehouses page.

Create a New Warehouse

Warehouse owners may create warehouse provisioning requests.

Approvers are tasked with approving or denying warehouse provisioning requests.

  1. From the Managed tab select the + Create New Warehouse button.

  2. Click on the + Create New Warehouse button.

  3. Set the parameters for the new Warehouse. a. Organizational Level - The Organizational Level setting allows you to dictate which level of the organization the warehouse will exist at, for example Supervisory vs Executive.

    b. Warehouse Environment -Different environments can be created during the onboarding process, for example Production vs Test.

    c. Warehouse Template - Warehouse Template contains customized rules and warehouse parameters defined by admins.

    d. Snowflake Account - Snowflake account where the warehouse resides.

    e. Warehouse Name - The name of the newly created warehouse.

    f. Statement Timeout - Amount of time, in seconds, after which a running SQL statement (query, DDL, DML, etc.) is canceled by the system.

  4. Select Create schedule to set the warehouse schedule.

The Warehouse Scheduling screen allows you to set several parameters based on time and days of the week, permitting Snowflake to run in the most efficient manner possible, along with a max monthly cost.

  • Schedules - Slingshot allows Snowflake to be provisioned with 1 or more schedules with the following parameters
    • Start Time and End Times - Schedule begin and end times in ET
    • Warehouse Size - Determines the processing power and cost of the warehouse (See Warehouse size and cost)
    • Cluster Min/Max - The number of database instances (can vary from 1-10) devoted to processing
    • Scaling Policy - How the warehouse scales to meet demand
      • Standard - Minimizes queuing by starting warehouses when demand increases
      • Economy - Conserves costs by allowing warehouses to run fully loaded
    • Auto-Suspend - Automatically suspend the warehouse after a predetermined period of inactivity
      • When checked a field appears allowing you to set the period of inactivity (parameter varies based on the template settings). The warehouse will auto-suspend after this period expires with no activity.
      • If unchecked the warehouse runs continuously even if inactive.
        This results in greater cost.
      • Warehouse on toggle determines when the Snowflake Data Warehouse will be on or off.
    • To complete warehouse configuration, the schedule must be set for a 24-hour period comprising of 7 days.
  1. Select the Review schedule - the Warehouse Review screen displays all of the settings for the newly created warehouse details:
  • Organization
  • Snowflake Account
  • Warehouse Template
  • Warehouse Name
  • Statement Timeout
  • Approver(s) (if available)
  1. Click Submit for Approval to start the approval process, or Back to continue adjusting the schedule.
  2. Select Submit Request to confirm you’re ready to submit your request, or Back to Review to make additional changes before submitting.
  3. A success message appears confirming your submission.

Warehouse Management

Slingshot allows Warehouse owners, Tenant admins, and Org admins to make adjustments to warehouses. Approvers, like the name says, approve requests. To read more about warehouse management, visit My Warehouses.

Manage permissions for a warehouse

Editing permissions in Slingshot affects Snowflake access.
  1. From My Warehouses, select the Managed tab.
  2. View the warehouse permissions by pressing the warehouse name.
  3. The warehouse details appear.
  4. Select the Manage permissions tab.
  5. In the User role name box, enter a role name or choose a selection from the drop-down list.
  6. Save.
  7. The role and status appear. After the role assignment processes successfully the status message changes from Processing to Granted.
  8. Refresh the status to confirm that permissions were granted to the selected Role.
  9. Review the details. Use the X in the upper right corner to close the window.

Remove permissions for a warehouse

  1. From My Warehouses, select the Managed tab.

  2. View the warehouse permissions by pressing the warehouse name.

  3. The Warehouse details appear.

  4. Select the Manage permissions tab.

  5. From the User role list, check the box next to the role you’d like removed.

  6. Use the Revoke access button.

  7. Confirm.

  8. Review the details. Use the X in the upper right corner to close the window.


Approvers act as gatekeepers for various requests in the assigned business org or unit (e.g. warehouse provisioning requests, changing a current warehouse schedule, etc). As an Approver, you have the ability to approve, decline, and view assigned requests.

View requests

To view requests,

  1. Press Requests on the left navigation menu.
  2. Select the Pending, Approved, or Declined tab to see a list for requests with those statuses.


  1. From the homepage, scroll to the Approvals Inbox section.
  2. Click the View Request button for the chosen request.
  3. Review the Warehouse Modification Request details.
  4. If necessary, add a message, then decline or approve the request. Always include an explanation for denied requests.

Approve or Decline requests

The Approvals Inbox provides you with tabs for

  • Open Requests,
  • In Progress requests,
  • and Closed Requests.

The Closed Requests tab shows processed requests.

Each list includes the warehouse name, request type, status, requestor, maximum monthly cost, and request date.

To approve or decline requests

  1. Scroll down to the Approvals Inbox on the Homepage or select Approvals Inbox from the left navigation menu.
  2. Use the Approve button to approve a request - or - use the Decline button to deny the request and add a message explaining the denial.
  3. Select Decline Request (if necessary).
  4. The list refreshes and the request disappears from the Approvals Inbox.