Welcome to Slingshot FAQs. Here you'll find answers to some of the most common questions and hot topics.

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Will Slingshot be storing any of my data in its system?

We leverage snowflake’s zero-copy cloning’ data share to make snowflake usage metadata available to the product. We never look at your customer data. We have no interest in looking at your customer data. We've put in place controls, so that if you ever accidentally put your customer data in the Snowflake tables, that we won't look at it, by only looking at certain fields in those usage metadata tables.

How is cost per query calculated in the Warehouse Dashboard?

We use a proprietary "time-based model" that looks at all the query loads across a Warehouse and attribute their associated cost.

How granular can Slingshot get with slicing and dicing by business unit?

You define Business Units to represent the spend across your organization. At this time, Slingshot supports only a single depth for Business Units (e.g. The Business Org (parent) is Finance. The Business Units (children) are Accounts Payable, Receivables, Corporate Treasury, and Tax).

Can you provision warehouses straight from Slingshot into Snowflake?


Yes, you can create managed warehouses directly in Slingshot.

  1. From Slingshot, select My Warehouses from the left navigation menu.

  2. On the Managed tab, press the Create new Warehouse button.

Learn more about creating warehouses.

Does Slingshot have the capabilities to automatically accept the central recommendations and create the legislature to manage clustersizing?

Slingshot provides recommendations for warehouse sizing, then an Approver* accepts the recommendations to apply it. *Approvers are assigned and managed by your organization’s Tenant Administrator. Learn more about Slingshot roles.

Can an individual be a member of multiple roles?

Yes, an individual can be a member of multiple roles. For instance, you could be a Warehouse Owner and an Approver or a Tenant Administrator, Warehouse Owner, and an Approver.

What clouds and regions do you support?

For a complete list of supported cloud providers and regions, see Supported Cloud Regions.