November 30, 2023 (v0.7.14)
New Features
Here’s the latest Slingshot release for November 30, 2023.
Auto-Suspend Recommendations - In the past, Slingshot only provided recommendations based on optimal warehouse size and clusters. Recommendations now factor in optimal auto-suspend times. When Slingshot determines an opportunity to reduce idle time on a warehouse for a given hour in the week, it generates a recommendation to change the auto-suspend value for that hour in the schedule.
Idleness - We’ve added a new visualization to the Warehouse Performance dashboard to reflect trends of warehouse inactivity and suspension events over time. This visualization leverages data based on the auto-suspend settings of your warehouse.
September 12, 2023 (v0.7.2)
Slingshot updates. What’s happening now:
New Features & Enhancements
Passwords expire every 90 days - For better security, Slingshot prompts you to update your password every 90 days. You’ll receive a reminder to change your password, when you attempt to sign into Slingshot or you’ll receive an email to change your password.
New Canadian cloud regions available - The Slingshot team is happy to announce the availability of these new cloud regions for US-based companies with data in Canada:
August 23, 2023 (v0.6.14)
Slingshot updates. Here’s what’s launching this release:
Warehouse Performance Dashboard update - See options for daily, weekly, and monthly views of performance data on your Warehouse Performance Dashboard.
New Recommendations - Slingshot updates recommendations at the beginning of each month. When it runs again, any warehouses that don’t generate a new recommendation will have their previous recommendation removed.
August 16, 2023 (v0.6.13)
Slingshot updates. Here’s what’s new:
Slingshot-Snowflake synchronization - Now Slingshot reflects changes you made in Snowflake.
Unmanaged warehouses periodically update to match the parameters warehouses in your Snowflake account.
When you delete a role in Snowflake, Slingshot’s updates these permissions, too.
For unassigned and unmanaged warehouses, Slingshot removes these warehouses when you drop them in Snowflake.
August 9, 2023 (v0.6.12)
Slingshot updates. Here’s what’s new in this release:
Automate Slingshot warehouse size and task timeout changes - The SLINGSHOT_WH dynamically scales up during onboarding and scales down to extra small after onboarding to optimize Slingshot costs.
New US cloud regions available - The Slingshot team is happy to announce the availability of these new cloud regions:
May 17, 2023 (v0.6.1)
Slingshot updates. Here’s what’s happening in this release.
Recommendations: Revert and Export - Optimizing warehouses is about recognizing patterns and applying that logic until you find the most efficient balance of cost and performance. Slingshot now allows you to revert back to an existing warehouse schedule. This allows you to immediately switch back after implementing a recommendation or testing a new schedule. Warehouse owners can also choose to modify some of the old schedule’s parameters to more effectively reach that balance. Slingshot Approvers and Tenant/Org admins can see the warehouse history, but only warehouse owners can revert. The prior 25 versions are available to reapply.
Revert to prior warehouse schedule with or without modification - You can now export individual recommendation data outside of Slingshot as a CSV file to share with key decision makers.
Revert Schedule flyout showing the active schedule with modify schedule and previous schedules with the options to revert or modify. Export single recommendation to CSV file - You can now also export individual recommendation data outside of Slingshot as a CSV file to share with key decision makers.
February 8, 2023 (v0.5.8.14)
Slingshot updates. Here’s what’s happening in this release.
Cost Insights: Dashboard
We’ve simplified the Cost Insights dashboards to provide better clarity and visibility into your monthly costs.
Additional updates include:
Updated dashboards now reflect your costs within the same date range.
View a breakdown of month-over-month costs by various Cost Types.
Get dynamic cost projections for Credit usage, Snowflake costs, Warehouse costs, Storage costs, and Enterprise costs (storage + compute costs). Apply filters to dig deeper by region, accounts, warehouses, etc.
The Contract Analysis dashboard provides analysis of costs based on your overall usage and spend.
January 25, 2023 (v0.5.8.13)
Slingshot updates. Here’s what’s happening in this release.
New Feature
- Cost Insights New Date Filter Buttons - Quickly filter your Cost Insights dashboard dates with a single click. Set the date range you’d like to see or stick with the current month or year.
- Visibility of the CLOUD_SERVICES_ONLY pseudo-warehouse - The CLOUD_SERVICES_ONLY warehouse no longer appears as an Unassigned warehouse on the Cost Insights dashboard.