
June 27, 2024 (version 0.27.0)

We’ve got goodies! Here’s what we’re serving up with this release:


  • New European cloud regions available - The Slingshot team is happy to announce the availability of these new cloud regions for US-based companies with Snowflake accounts in Europe:
    • AWS
      • EU North 1 (Stockholm) - EU-NORTH-1
      • EU (Paris) - EU-WEST-3
    • Microsoft Azure
      • North Europe (Ireland) - AZURE_NORTHEUROPE
      • Switzerland North (Zurich) - AZURE_SWITZERLANDN
      • UK South (London) - AZURE_UKSOUTH
    • Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
      • Europe West 2 (London) - EUROPE-WEST2
June 20, 2024 (version 0.24.0)

We’ve got goodies! Here’s what we’re serving up with this release:

New Features

  • Data object tagging - Assign tags to Snowflake objects, then view the costs for databases together with warehouse costs in Slingshot Dashboards. Create tag groups for deep spend analysis. View and analyze federated usage and costs across your organizations by lines of business, warehouse, database, Snowflake users, environments, and any other logical way you’d like to group Snowflake objects for analysis.

  • Filtering insights and dashboards by tags - Tags present a new way to filter cost insight dashboard data. Leverage the power of tags + filtering to gain more cost breakdown utility from Slingshot.

  • Cost breakdown reports - It’s time consuming and tedious to analyze and create cost allocation reports. Cost breakdown reports put the power in your hands to slice and dice storage and compute spend data. Create shareable reports with a robust view of Snowflake costs broken down by cost center, projects, lines of business or any other logical grouping of Snowflake objects or users.

  • Bulk reassign warehouses to lines of business (LOB) - Need to reassign a group of warehouses to a different line of business? No more clicking on each warehouse to assign a different LOB. Tenant admins can do just that with a few clicks.

  • Database visibility - Data. Data. And more Data. Now see your Snowflake database objects in Slingshot on the My Databases page. View database details and add and delete Slingshot tags from a single location.


May 15, 2024 (version 0.7.38)

We’ve got news! Here’s what’s happening today:


  • Updated Metadata Share - New features require additional data from time to time. That time is now, we’re ingesting additional metadata from the already approved Snowflake Secure Data Share used by Slingshot. During this metadata ingestion, we’re adding the following columns from the SNOWFLAKE.ACCOUNT_USAGE.QUERY_ACCELERATION_HISTORY table:

    • END_TIME

    We already ingest data from this table during the Job Credits data pull. The columns Slingshot currently ingests data from include:

May 1, 2024 (version 0.7.36)

We’ve got updates! Here’s what’s happening in this release:

Feature Release

  • LOB (Line Of Business) Viewer - Need Slingshot read only access? For teammates who need view access, Tenant admins have the ability to grant viewing access to specific LOB within Slingshot.


  • Value Reports - What has Slingshot done for you lately? We’ll show you on the homepage with monthly value realization reports that spotlight value metrics across multiple key areas (e.g. savings, warehouse management, cost per query, actual vs target spend, and recommendation summaries).
  • Download Recommendations - Back by popular demand - the ability to export recommendations to a CSV file with one click.
  • Sort Recommendations - Sort the columns in ascending or descending order on the Recommendations table.
  • Updated Metadata Share - In an effort to build new features, we’re ingesting additional metadata from the already approved Snowflake Secure Data Share used by Slingshot. For this metadata ingestion, we’re using the SNOWFLAKE.ACCOUNT_USAGE.USERS table to pull metadata from the following fields:
    • USER_ID
    • NAME


April 4, 2024 (version 0.7.32)

We’ve got exciting things happening! Here’s what’s going on this release:


  • Metadata Share - As the Slingshot team continues to build new features, we’ve started ingesting additional metadata from the already approved Snowflake Secure Data Share (ORGANIZATION_USAGE and ACCOUNT_USAGE schemas) used by Slingshot. We’re utilizing these tables to support exciting new features coming later this year:
    • SNOWFLAKE.ORGANIZATION_USAGE.REPLICATION_USAGE_HISTORY - Reflects the costs associated with database replication
    • SNOWFLAKE.ACCOUNT_USAGE.SNOWPIPE_STREAMING_FILE_MIGRATION_HISTORY - Displays the costs associated with snowpipe streaming
    • SNOWFLAKE.ACCOUNT_USAGE.QUERY_ACCELERATION_HISTORY - The following columns: start_time, warehouse_id, and credits_used show Query Acceleration costs
    • SNOWFLAKE.ACCOUNT_USAGE.WAREHOUSE_METERING_HISTORY - Adding these columns: credits_used_compute and credits_used_cloud_services to improve the granularity of display costs
April 3, 2024 (version 0.7.31)

We’ve got updates! Here’s what’s happening in this release:


  • Tenant admins got all the power - As you may have heard, Tenant admins now have access to all the privileges in your tenant (all business orgs and units). What’s that mean? You are the Super Saiyan of the Slingshot world. Your role now encompasses everything an Approver, Org Admin, and Warehouse Owner can do and more! But beware, with great power comes great responsibility.

Read more about Slingshot Roles.


February 29, 2024 (version 0.7.27)

Slingshot updates. Here’s what’s new in this release:


  • Recommendations made simple - Slingshot has a new and improved recommendation experience to increase your confidence and make applying recommendations easy. The new Recommendations page, features an all in one page with the following features:

  • Summary section

    • New summary of issues causing the recommendation
  • Recommended settings tab
    • New recommended statement timeout value (if applicable)
    • New calendar view
    • New visibility into current warehouse issues
  • Projected impact on queries tab
    • New visibility into query execution time before / after recommendation
    • New deep dive into projected longest running queries
  • Historical warehouse performance tab
    • Existing dashboards on the Recommendations page without having to switch back and forth between the Warehouse performance dashboards and the Recommendation
February 14, 2024 (version 0.7.25)

Slingshot updates. Here’s what’s happening in this release:

New Feature

  • Query Acceleration Service - Easily identify and manage warehouses enabled with the Query Acceleration Service (QAS) right from Slingshot. Creating or modifying a warehouse that needs QAS, simply toggle the feature on or off and set the scale factor. Learn more about QAS and scale factoring {link to QAS article}.


  • Homepage Revamp - Get insights at first sight with the most important features and analysis front and center.
    • Review the most valuable recommendations (if applied).
    • See the most expensive queries run, then springboard into a detailed cost analysis of Snowflake.
    • Finally, check out any requests awaiting your approval.


January 18, 2024 (version 0.7.21)

Slingshot updates. Here’s what’s happening in this release:


  • New European cloud regions available - The Slingshot team is happy to announce the availability of these new cloud regions for US-based companies with data in Europe:
    • AWS
      • EU (Ireland) - EU-WEST-1
      • Europe (London) - EU-WEST-2
      • EU (Frankfurt) - EU-CENTRAL-1
    • Microsoft Azure
      • West Europe (Netherlands) - AZURE_WESTEUROPE
    • Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
      • Europe West 4 (Netherlands) - EUROPE-WEST4